We are Constant Innovations, a group of professionals from the field of modern Greek business.
We were inspired by the idea of an all inclusive calendar of business events when we saw the need for such a “tool” in our daily lives.
Our initiative to collect and organize in ONE electronic annual calendar all the professional events (which until now were fragmented on the internet), was warmly received by executives, participants and organizers. The next step was to delve into more key sectors of the economy and cover the intersecting interests of the modern professional.
The business events calendar, records and highlights all the business events of one or more sectors that interest you. With your registration:
I. You have a comprehensive overview of all the events of all the organizers every year, in Greece and selected ones abroad, so you can choose the ones you want.
II. You have access to the basic information regarding a professional event: time – place – genre – topic – speakers etc, organized and classified.
III. You automatically save the desired event(s) to your personal electronic calendar on your mobile phone, tablet or computer.
IV. Purchase tickets or book your seat.
V. Receive e-mail updates about changes and other useful services.